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Testing stock

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to this product for
orders EUR 3000
or larger

Testing SW 15 rev 2, Testing SW 15 rev 2, Testing SW 15 rev 2

2 300 EUR

+ Shipping and import fees, where applicable


Get it Jan 2 - Jan 9

Not only there, of course – I also got to experience the SV on road and off it. But the very fact Range Rover reckons the demanding 2.9-mile circuit is an appropriate venue for its 5770lb SUV is a clear indication of the changing priorities of the performance car world. Spoiler alert: The SV coped with the unlikely challenge better than anything its shape and size has any right to.

Amount in stock: 4

Manufacturer: 2B Lightech

Part number:

Model: Sport 2

Year manufactured: 2020

Product size : 1 000 cm × 333 333 cm × 3 333 cm

Product weight : 1200 kg

Length of handling process: 10 days

Specification sheet:
» M915±10-200-F200-22 -DK-AP.pdf

Shipping package includes: Never bet against irony. When the original Porsche Cayenne was introduced back in 2002 one disbelieving critic said the idea of an SUV from Germany’s most famous sports car maker made as little sense as Land Rover creating a track car.

Condition: Used

Condition description: yes

Listing type:
Single product(s)
Sale format:
Fixed price
End-use certification needed:
Demo Company
Company website:
Shipping from:
Demo City, Finland
Delivery terms:

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  • End-use certificate